Thursday, October 22, 2009

Achilles heel...

I have an Achilles heel, my weakness has always been shoes. There are months when give or take you gain a few pounds here and there. Winter months are like this for me, I hibernate, and I eat and I gain. I like to just think I am trying to keep warm. No matter how round I may get, my feet remain the same. My size 6 never lets me down. I always laugh when I hit a store and I just got's a game of good cop bad cop. Should I buy the shoes and the dress? Just the dress? Okay just the shoes right? When all else fails and I realize that realistically I have bills to pay, shoes always win out over clothes. I figure certain pieces might go out of style or I might outgrow them, heck come spring when I shed all the cushy winter weight they will out grow me!

So it is in this spirit of practicality that I ask you, is it so wrong to want these pony skin Finsk pumps even given the extra fat price tag? I think not! Wait, what is 278 Euro in Canadian dollars?

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